Pride, the Enemy of Humility

Pride, the Enemy of Humility

1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (NIV)

“…Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (NIV)

Isn’t it amazing how our Lord looks at us? He sees the best in us. You should know that it is not how we see ourselves that defines us; it is how our Lord Jesus sees us that defines us. 

Friends, giving ourselves completely over to God is humility: acknowledging that we are not our own; we have been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Trusting that God’s got us, irrespective of what our feelings tell us. That’s being humble.

Even when we don’t seem to sense God’s presence and our feelings tell us that He is millions of miles away, we have got to learn to trust His Word over our feelings. Trust does not mean that there will be no butterflies in our stomachs. It means that even though we have butterflies, we still stand on God’s Word. When we say to the Lord, “I put my trust in you Lord,” it does not mean we instantly stop feeling any fear. It simply means choosing to act on God’s Word in spite of the fear. 

When we disobey, instead of feeling guilty and condemned, reach out and embrace the super-abounding grace of God, which tells us that we are still righteous in Christ Jesus. It is His super abounding grace that will rescue us from the sin of pride. As we put pride aside, His grace causes us to realise that we have no ability to overcome sin on our own. It is His grace that has made us sinners righteous.

As we keep meditating on His love and what He has accomplished for us on the cross, we are empowered by His grace to stop the sin of pride. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter. 5:5 that “God resists the proud but gives grace [unmerited favour] to the humble.” (HCSB). Pride is the dark side of humility; it is sin. It is service to self (me, myself, and I). Pride makes us ‘puffed up’ – 2 Kings 5:10-12. (Naaman’s response to the prophet’s instructions is a trait that we sometimes display).

Be aware that whenever we want to depend on ourselves and our wisdom, God will allow us to do so. His unmerited favour is given when we humbly acknowledge that we cannot succeed in our own strength and ability. It is only then that He will take over and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. 

As we struggle with weaknesses or failings in our lives, be it anger, unforgiveness, or addiction, let us let go of pride and humbly accept God’s help. Keep reading His Word and finding the beauty of Jesus’s person and finished work. His blood, shed for us, is what makes our relationship with God secure. 

God loves and cares for us. We never did anything to make Him fall in love with us, and nothing we can do, nothing we could have done, will ever take His love from us. This truth smashes pride and keeps us humble.


Father God, I thank You that You are our God, that You called us out and separated us unto Yourself as Your people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Proverbs 29:23; James 4:6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 82; Acts 27: 13-44; 2 Kings 18; 2 Kings 19:1-13

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